2011年10月13日 星期四

DevFC.exe 已經停止運作

DevFC.exe 已經停止運作

用 Visual Studio 2010開發 Windows Azure Platform程式時,在 Windows Azure SDK 升級到 1.5版後,發現執行程式時候會出現 「DevFC.exe 已經停止運作」的訊息。Azure 模擬器的 Compute Emulator 啟動後又自動 shutdown,相關畫面如下:

Google找不到「DevFC.exe 已經停止運作」的資訊,後來找到這篇
原來是VMware Workstation 8 的 VMware Workstation Server 服務 (vmware-hostd.exe)占用的 TCP port 120001,而 Compute Emulator 也使用它,把VMware Workstation Server 服務停用解決了。


You can modify the VMware Workstation configuration to not open port 12001. Currently there is no means through the UI to modify this settting, so you will need to manually edit the configuration files. To disallow opening port 12001, do the following:

1) Stop the VMware Workstation Server  service
2) Edit the following file C:\ProgramData\VMware\hostd\config.xml (you will need to run the editor as administrator to modify this file)
    a) Search for the following line XML fragment:
   b) Change the enabled entry to <enabled>false</enabled>
   c) Save the changes
3) Restart the VMware Workstation Server service

Now the vmware-hostd.exe should not open port 12001. Let us know if this doesn't work.
