2020年11月13日 星期五

[研究] FindBugs、SpotBugs、OWAP Find Security Bugs 與原始碼安全檢測

[研究] FindBugs、SpotBugs、OWAP Find Security Bugs 與原始碼安全檢測


FindBugs 官方網站 


FindBugs - 維基百科,自由的百科全書


FindBugs 最後是 3.0.1 版,於 06 March, 2015 釋出,多年沒更新了。


FindBugs 的 Git 網站


FindBugs 官方網站沒提到 SpotBugs,但 Github 上有提 SpotBugs 是後繼。

FindBugs is now SpotBugs


SpotBugs 網站


SpotBugs 安裝


SpotBus 有 Malicious code vulnerability (MALICIOUS_CODE) 和 Security



OWAP Find Security Bugs


Find Security Bugs is a SpotBugs plugin for security audits

OWAP Find Security Bugs 是 SpotBugs 的安全稽核插件。


有人拿 FindBugs 或 SpotBugs 來做原始程式碼 (源碼,Source Code) 的資安安全性檢測。

說實在話,從軟體名稱可知,這主要是找 Bug 的 (支援 Java,不支援 .NET),主要不是測安全的。

檢測能力遠比不上商業的 Micro Focus Fortify SCA ( Source Code Analyzer ) 或 CheckMarx。

FindBugs 支援的 Security, Malicious code vulnerability 詳細內容


Malicious code vulnerability

DP: Classloaders should only be created inside doPrivileged block

DP: Method invoked that should be only be invoked inside a doPrivileged block

EI: May expose internal representation by returning reference to mutable object

EI2: May expose internal representation by incorporating reference to mutable object

FI: Finalizer should be protected, not public

MS: May expose internal static state by storing a mutable object into a static field

MS: Field isn't final and can't be protected from malicious code

MS: Public static method may expose internal representation by returning array

MS: Field should be both final and package protected

MS: Field is a mutable array

MS: Field is a mutable collection

MS: Field is a mutable collection which should be package protected

MS: Field is a mutable Hashtable

MS: Field should be moved out of an interface and made package protected

MS: Field should be package protected

MS: Field isn't final but should be

MS: Field isn't final but should be refactored to be so


Dm: Hardcoded constant database password

Dm: Empty database password

HRS: HTTP cookie formed from untrusted input

HRS: HTTP Response splitting vulnerability

PT: Absolute path traversal in servlet

PT: Relative path traversal in servlet

SQL: Nonconstant string passed to execute or addBatch method on an SQL statement

SQL: A prepared statement is generated from a nonconstant String

XSS: JSP reflected cross site scripting vulnerability

XSS: Servlet reflected cross site scripting vulnerability in error page

XSS: Servlet reflected cross site scripting vulnerability




Java 程式碼檢測FindBugs or SpotBugs


