2017年10月12日 星期四

[研究] 單機版電腦圍棋 - 魔圍棋 Mogo 安裝

[研究] 單機版電腦圍棋 - 魔圍棋 Mogo 安裝


台灣魔圍棋 MogoTW

魔圍棋 Mogo 下載 (只有圍棋引擎 (engine)) for Windows

Linux 版:MoGo_release3.tar.gz  ( 下載點不存在了)

Drago 電腦圍棋圖形介面軟體

環境:Windows 7 x64

(下圖) 把 MoGo_release3.zip 解壓到 C:\ 或其他地方

(下圖) 把 PortableDrago0423.zip 解壓到 C:\PortableDrago0423

(下圖) 時間是小弟隨便設定的,太短棋力可能嚴重下降

這裡有 MoGo 的參數說明:

Under the program selection of your front-end, put the path to MoGo binary with the following options:

  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --9 --time 12" : plays against MoGo with 9x9 settings, allowing 12 seconds per move
  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --13 --time 12" : plays against MoGo with 13x13 settings, allowing 12 seconds per move
  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --19 --time 12" : plays against MoGo with 19x19 settings, allowing 12 seconds per move
  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --9 --totalTime 150" : plays against MoGo with 9x9 settings, giving 150 seconds for the whole game (see below)
  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --13 --totalTime 300" : plays against MoGo with 13x13 settings, giving 300 seconds for the whole game (see below)
  • "/path/to/MoGo/mogo --19 --totalTime 600" : plays against MoGo with 19x19 settings, giving 600 seconds for the whole game (see below)

Other available options:

  • --totalTime xx : tells MoGo than the game will have a total length of xx seconds, and let MoGo manage the time (dont mix with "--time xx"). Only relevant if you play with a frontend sending the GTP "time_left" command (e.g. if you set MoGo on KGS). MoGo only supports Sudden Death. Note: when the time left is < 20 seconds, MoGo will play randomly to avoid loosing by time.
  • --nbThreads xx : use xx threads to think. Best is to match the number of threads with the number of core (Up to 8 supported).
  • --pondering 1 : enabling pondering (thinking while you are thinking).
  • --useOpeningDatabase 0 : disable opening database
  • --collectorLimitTreeSize xx : limit the tree size to xx nodes. Attention: the number of nodes is less than the number of simulations. IMPORTANT: if it happens that the tree is too big and does not fit into memory, then your computer is likely to swap memory and you are going to experience huge slow down. Decrease this value if you have little memory (by default it is 400000 with --9, 200000 with --13 and 100000 with --19).
  • --minNumberOfSimulationsOfResign xx : minimum number of simulation before considering resign. If you set it too low, MoGo can resign won games, but if you set it too high, depending on your time settings, MoGo will never resign, even if the game is completely lost! (default value: 10000)
  • --dontDisplay 1 : disable most of the output.
  • --playsAgainstHuman 0 : prevent MoGo passing before there is no possible move left. Don't use it if you want to play against MoGo! However it is useful if you want it to play against other bots in a server which does not support "advanced" scoring.



How to play blind Go or one-color-Go on a computer ?

